Saturday, August 18, 2007

False hope.... 9W1D

Last night and this morning I have twice seen the very slightest traces of blood in my cervical mucous. Also on Thursday at the ultrasound he could see what looked like bleeding near the gestational sack. I am hoping that the miscarriage is imminent but I am also scared of what I will have to go through.

I expect it will be painful and I will lose a lot of blood. But I am scared of losing too much blood. That is my biggest fear. Hemorrhaging to death. I have started taking iron tablets and liquid chlorophyll to build my blood supply/iron reserves.

I do feel kind of tender and pre-menstrual at the moment. Just waiting for it to start. My stomach has been really on edge lately and today I just feel so exhausted, though that could be because I've also been fighting off tonsillitis this past week.

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