Monday, September 10, 2007

Recovering CD5

So far the recovery hasn't been too bad.

Friday morning I felt a little woozy. By Friday afternoon I was feeling physically OK but my emotions were all over the place. On the drive home from work I started crying. Harder than I had since we first found out that this pregnancy was not to be. We went to dinner with M's parents and brother to celebrate his birthday. I didn't want to go. I was sure there would be discussion of Dave and Melissa and their pending delivery. I couldn't face that. Mercifully there was none - they were not mentioned at all.

Saturday and Sunday morning I actually felt pretty good. The heavy heavy bleeding of Thursday/Friday had slowed down a bit.

I think I overdid it a bit on Saturday night (slightly-drunken Wii bowling) and Sunday (shopping trip) because Sunday noon I started contracting again. Not painfully but I could tell they were strong contractions and I started bleeding quite heavily again. It was getting tiresome that every time I'd use the restroom it'd look like a crime scene. I took it easy for the rest of Sunday and things settled down OK.

Today I feel normal. The bleeding continues but it is lighter and I have the odd contraction sensation. The bleeding is still odd in that it is not drops of blood, but rather most of it happens when I use the restroom and it comes out all stringy-like. As if the blood is mixed with a fair bit of cervical fluid or something.

Anyway, looks like my recovery is on track at this stage. I scoured the net for "bleeding after miscarriage" and it looks like bleeding for 2-3 weeks is the norm. I am getting a bit sick of the bleeding though. It is a constant reminder of our loss, whereas I just want things to get back to normal so I can move on with trying again. M and I discussed trying again and we would both like to do so ASAP. Surprisingly, one of the most significant factors is our lack of desire to use other contraceptive methods (condoms, withdrawal) for the one - three cycles that you are "supposed" to wait.

And not being able to make love for 2 weeks following the miscarriage is one of the worst things about it.


dbkate said...

I truly admire you having the strength to go through with this at home. I turned 11 weeks yesterday and finally had the D&C because I couldn't take the misery and pain caused by the non-productive staining anymore (it was relentless the cramping without any result, just awful.)

I know it sounds strange, but in a way, I feel like we were together in this -- I mention your experience a lot to my family and friends and how we were almost the same dates and how it ended.

So even though we don't know each other and we're very far apart, I just want you to know that someone across the oceans is thinking about you and wishing you and yours the very best.

Waiting said...

Hi Kate,
Thanks very much for your comments and your support - I have really appreciated them along the way. I am sorry that you had to go through this as well and I hope everything went well with your D&C and that you'll recover quickly. I think I would have done the same thing in your situation. There's only so much waiting you can take!!! All the best for the future and TTC again if that's what you're planning to do. Take care.

Waiting said...
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Unknown said...

I just want to say thank you! I found out on Monday after my second US that I am going to eventually miscarry. I asked my doctor when and for how long, but he couldn't give me any specifics, because every woman is so different. I should be 9 weeks and 3 days today, but my little angle has been gone since week 6. I have not had any signs of whats to come. I have talked to a couple people who have had miscarriages before, but no one has given me the kind of detail I need. They offer hugs and condolences (which is nice) but not what I need right now. I am the type of woman who like to be prepared for everything. After reading your blog, I feel like I am now. You were so honest and open about everything and I cannot thank you enough for that. SO many other people try to sugar coat things, sol I felt like i wasnt really prepared for what to expect. After hearing what you went through, I feel now, like I am ready to enter this journey. I hope it comes soon, and I hope its easy, but if not, at least now I know what is to come. Thank you for being so brave and for sharing your heartache. THANK YOU!

~ Tryniti