Tuesday, September 4, 2007


The light spotting and cramping continues....
It is annoying that even this stage is taking so long.
I made a parsley infusion last night (supposedly an emmenagogue) and drank about a litre of it in the space of an hour!! It didn't taste too bad, a bit like a celery broth, but I don't think it has done anything to help the miscarriage along. So we can add that to the list of things I've tried that have been unsuccessful...

1 comment:

dbkate said...

Hi! I'm from the Misdiagnosed Miscarriage board and I'm currently in the same situation you are. Some light spotting and cramping has started for me, but I really don't feel much closer to miscarriage than I did three weeks ago when this all started.

I'm asking the OB to schedule the D&C tonight because I'm done. I was scared of being knocked out but am at the point now where they could hit me with a stick and I'd be fine with that.

I'm sending you good vibes that it's over soon and goes well. (Also, not to add to your failure list of herbs, but I've heard good things about raspberry leaf tea to bring on contractions. You have to drink a few cups of it, but supposedly it works.)