Tuesday, October 9, 2007

That could be the culprit... CD5

Thrush! Argh.

OB called last night to let me know that the swab taken last week showed that I had developed thrush. Great. I have not had thrush since I was a teenager. Yuck. Anyway, at least it's minor and treatable. It's annoying that it's yet another thing I have to deal with on the road to recovery, but at least now I have an explanation for why I've been feeling not-quite-right. And it's not a bad explanation at that.

He also said Friday's ultrasound showed everything to be OK.

My first period since miscarriage is over. I have heard you often get a nightmare period for your first one post-mc but mine was very mild. I did have mild crampy feelings for a couple of days and one afternoon of heavy bleeding, all up the period lasted for about 3-4 days. This is in contrast to my normal period that lasts about 5 days and where the first day I am doubled over with painful cramping for several hours. So I got off pretty easy :)

On Sunday we officially started "trying again". It is exciting to be trying again without obsessing about it. We just do what we do and wait for the magic to happen :)

All the best

1 comment:

imdesired said...

Awww, trying again... How scary, yet exciting!! Seems so many people get pg right after a m/c. I hope you do too!

:) Have fun!