Thursday, September 13, 2007

1 Week On..... CD7

Well, it has been a week since the miscarriage....

I am still bleeding. The bleeding seemed to be slowing down yesterday to the likes of a light period day. Then last night I had renewed bleeding of quite a bit of red blood and a slight crampy feeling. That was depressing...... just when I thought the end was in sight. Of course now I am worried that it means there is something wrong - retained tissue or infection or something. I have my followup OB appointment Monday morning and am really hoping for the all-clear.

I am a bit nervous at the thought of TTC again. Last time we TTC I obsessed about it majorly. Luckily we fell pregnant on our first month of trying. I don't know how I'll cope with that level of obsession month-in and month-out if it doesn't happen so quickly this time. I'll have to make a conscious effort not to obsess and to take an interest in other things, but it won't be easy!

That's one of the reasons I wish the bleeding would stop soon, so we can make love again. Because right now we're not and if we're not making love we've got no chance of making a baby. At least if we were making love it would feel like we were doing "something" in the baby-making stakes, even if I am not yet ovulating...

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