Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Still 10W4D

I have definitely noticed some strange sticky yellowish mucous today for the first time.

Is something happening???????????????


Unknown said...

I too am waiting miscarry. I am having all the same symptoms you are. I still feel pregnant though. I have all the first tri symptoms. That is the cruelty of it all, feeling pregnant, feeling like it's a normal pregnancy.
It's ironic that when you find out your pregnant you pray not to see any blood, then when you know there is no hope you spend hours praying for it to be over.
I am tired of waking up still feeling pregnant everyday.
I really want to do this on my own, but it's not looking good. I have no signs of anything, no blood, no spotting, some cervical mucous that looks normal, no cramps. This is just crazy.

How are you doing?

Waiting said...

Hi Jamie,
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment. I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this as well. How far along are you? Any sign of anything happening yet. Good luck.